Hi, I’m Kaitlyn!

I am here to inspire you to recognize your God-given potential, claim your identity and embrace your calling. You are here for a reason and I’m excited for you to move towards God’s greatest purposes for you as you embrace the truth of the Gospel. I am convinced this adventure begins with an experience of God’s grace…


 God’s grace sets us free from striving to perform, achieve, measure up, fit in, or create our own significance. God has guided me throughout my faith journey, but a deep defining moment happened years ago in my grandma’s hospital bed.


 As I lay eye to eye with her, I experienced God’s love in a profound way. Heartbreak, burnout, chronic health challenges, and disillusionment weighed heavy on me as I gazed into her dying eyes. As I stroked her white hair, this thought shook me:

I cannot add value to my life, or take it away. I am enough,
because Jesus has declared it so by grace alone.

And so are you.


In that moment, while my grandma and I were feeling remarkably weak, we were about to experience the life of Christ in a brand new way … mine on earth and hers in heaven.

Since that defining moment, I have given up striving for my worth and instead embraced rhythms of grace. I am experiencing hope, growth and the flourishing that flows from His finished work on the Cross. This inner revelation is changing everything.

I know He wants this for you too.

This defining moment has shaped my life purpose.

I’m here to empower you as you discover yours.


 life purpose statement

To experience wholeness in body, soul and spirit by living connected to Jesus, and to inspire others to do the same, so He can change our world, through us.

What does this look like?


Inspire Our Nation

There are youth across Canada waiting to experience life-changing Gospel inspiration. During my time teaching high school math and working as a Pastor, I was motivated start Inspire Our Nation, a ministry that aims to inspire youth to overcome struggles (with an emphasis on mental health) and influence their world for Jesus. You can read more about us here.


Inspire Girl

Inspire Girl is a division of Inspire Our Nation. According to the Canadian Women’s Foundation, “suicide remains the third-leading cause of death for girls aged 10-14 and the second-leading cause of death for girls aged 15-19.” Our Inspire Girl team is committed to bring the hope and inspiration of God’s love to girls across the Nation. This is why I wrote the STAND Secure Christian Creative Guides that help teen girls and women know their God-given identity and purpose. We use this book and curriculum in our programming. Learn more about us here.

 As I have traded an old mindset of fear for a new one of faith, I have found the joy and satisfaction I was desperate for and stepped more fully into my God-given purpose.

I am convinced you can be empowered to recognize your God-given potential, claim your identity, and step towards your calling too.

God has destined you for a hopeful future. I am cheering you on towards your next courageous step!

Kaitlyn Cey