Gratitude Is God’s Idea
Introduction to Colleen
I first met Colleen Guskjolen at a prayer meeting four years ago. She exuded grace and warmth like few people I know. If you met her, you would have no idea of the obstacles she has faced and the triumphs she has battled for by choosing a radical attitude of gratitude. Her courageous choice to breathe gratitude, daily, has empowered her with dynamic resiliency. Here is Colleen’s invitation for you to embrace gratitude as your way of life, too.
Gratitude Is God’s Idea
By Colleen GuskjolenGratitude Is An Attitude.
Thankfulness! It’s a beautiful and health giving posture when lived on a continual basis. How can that be?
To come to a conclusion, let me ask the question: What are the greatest issues facing us today in terms of emotional wellbeing? “Never in the history of doctoring” said one psychologist, “have I encountered and treated more anxiety, panic attacks and mental illness.”
What is going on?
Some stats state 70% of all patients in Canada are being treated for mental illness. This is now more than an issue, it’s an epidemic.
What’s the solution?
Gratitude! Being thankful, appreciative, respectful. The list could go on. Gratitude is not our idea for mental wellness. It’s God’s idea.
Psalm 116:17 encourages us to bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
What is it about this attitude or posture of gratitude?
It is powerful posture. God designed us to be at our best on every level when we turn our focus upward and across. When I am thankful or grateful for God and all that He has given me, I am putting my focus on God, and His ability to keep me and to care for my needs and to trust that “He has this”.
In being grateful my joy factor is raised, I am content, and I live inspired to do what He wants me to do. I am not concerned about fear of failing or the “what if”s”.
When I live grateful to those around me, I am less judgmental, more forgiving and more empathetic. God does all things well.
His idea of intentional gratefulness will bring us healing, wholeness and joy on every level of our lives.