Listener Review:
“Kaitlyn does an excellent job of boldly and confidently teaching on who we are in Christ! This podcast is key for those desiring biblical encouragement! It will help you cast out lies and heaviness and start seeing yourself as God sees you!”
The STAND Secure Podcast.
In this podcast, you will be equipped with tools and inspired by stories that help you experience the Gospel Grace that sets you free to be all we were created to be. Life with Jesus isn’t about striving for perfection or hiding in protection - but instead resting secure in His love He demonstrated on the cross, trusting that you are enough through Him, and He is enough for you. I believe this is what it means for us to truly flourish in mind, body and soul. It’s time to trust in God’s grace and rest in our God-given identity, so we can pursue our purpose!

“Let’s get rooted in the love that reaches through our chaos to bring calm.
The love that quiets nagging thoughts about the future.
The love that moves us to make peace with the past.
The love that makes us whole and complete in the present.”
— Kaitlyn Cey
Thank you so much for joining me on the STAND Secure podcast.
The Bible says God has a specific plan for every one of us and He intends us to experience an intimate relationship with Him that guides us in that purpose.
To STAND firm in Christ means to Stand secure in your identity, Together in healthy relationships, Authentic to who God created you to be, Named with purpose and Diverse and unified as a community.