Christians often talk about doing good in the world for others. Be good for others. Give to others. Serve others. Live with your focus on others.
Self-forgetfulness is the pathway to freedom. Yes, it really is better to give than to receive. Yes, the soul explores the vibrancy of Joy when a life is lived to bless.
But. But. But, in the giving, the serving, the blessing and the doing – we must not forget his mandated priority – that we K N O W L O V E.
Sometimes I think we are afraid to say that we are major beneficiaries. We think it sounds self-centered. BUT David says, “Bless the LORD oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2). We can remember His benefits. We can announce with confidence: I BENEFIT from the Gospel. His benefits empower me. Radiate from me. Fill me. Move me.
We can say with staunch assurance:
I will not downplay His goodness to me. I will not stop singing about his love for me. I will not relinquish an all-out pursuit of genuine fruit. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Gentleness. Faithfulness. Self-control. I will not release His promises to me. I will not gloss over the experience of His permeating presence.
My God sank under the weight of a carried cross on Skull Hill for me to experience these benefits.
I will not reject them. I will not ignore them. I will not grow complacent to them. I will not hide them. I will not forget, Jesus.
Help us not to forget your benefits.
So that the fullness of your Gospel can be felt and known and energized and strengthened in our world.
Yes, I benefit.
Yes, I’m lavishly loved. Remarkably rich.
Yes, I have much to give.
Let it spill out.
Yes, I am will bless.