Greater Peace


I Believe in You. These four words can sound trite or cliché. But if they carry truth and if they are received with an open heart, they bring transformation.

Sometimes I find it easier to believe in God, than to believe that God himself believes in me. Peter’s faith in Jesus took him out on a water walk on top of the lake, but when he looked down at his own two feet he stumbled. Why does the sight of our own two feet so often cause us to stumble? Why do you have so little faith? Jesus asked Peter. Peter had faith in Jesus, but couldn’t find faith to believe that Jesus believed in HIM.

This weekend is set apart to acknowledge the mighty sacrifices that have been made for this Nation to experience peace and security. As we remember this weekend, may we also look ahead with anticipation to greater peace and reconciliation where trust has been broken and relationships, severed. May we remember that nothing is impossible for God. And may we have the faith to believe that he can move our feet to carry out His work and his will today.

And may we be the people who believe unswervingly in one another.

Love sees the boundless potential in you. Love sees all you were made to be. Love sees flaws, failures, selfishness, and mistakes – and responds by saying: Yes, I acknowledge you are imperfect, but I see who you were created to be. I love and accept you right where you are at, but I need to help you to see all of the unrealized possibilities of your future. All of the unspoken hopes. All of the God-given desires. All of the budding aspirations – the undiscovered aptitudes, interests and knacks. All of the untapped courage and outrageous laughter. All of the striking moments and vivacious years. All of the tears and resulting resilience … All of the abundance of a full life.

Yes, this is the voice of love … Love hung on a tree to offer this to you.

Love says, I will do everything I can to move you towards your fullest potential in every aspect of your life – relationships, schooling, career, and purpose. This Remembrance Day, have faith in God’s belief in YOU, live loved and speak love to others, to move us all forward to Greater Peace.

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The Miracle of Transformation