Your Grit
Fact: Grit is the number one indicator of both academic and career success.
Answer the following questions. If you answered yes to more than three, you are on your way to developing a Godly mindset infused with grit! Choose one of the questions you answered “no” to, and think about how you could begin to change this.
Do you know what your personal values and priorities are?
Do you know what your strengths are?
Do you use them regularly?
Are you a goal setter? (Do you live with a sense of purpose?)
Do you foster consistent, caring relationships?
Are you able to separate failure from your identity? (Or does failure crush your sense of worth?)
Do you have an accountability system to keep you on track in growth?
Are you pursuing your interests?
Do you surround yourself with gritty people?
“May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy…”
– Colossians 1:11 ESV
GRIT means courage and resolve; strength of character.
PS – this is an excerpt from my brand new handbook, I AM: The Truth About Me, Life-Plan Identity Handbook! This is going to be available for you to purchase very soon! Click HERE to take a sneak peak!